Deaf Kindergarten

Practicing engagement, Visit North Korea aims to set up charitable partnerships with worthy institutions in the DPRK. Our most special relationship at the moment is with Pyongyang Kindergarten for the Deaf.

Following meetings with the Pyongyang representative of the World Federation of the Deaf, Robert Grund – also North Korea’s only foreign, deaf resident – we were convinced this partnership was a worthy one.

The project is run on a ‘help to self-help’ basis, and our funds go towards Koreans themselves translating and publishing sign-language booklets, which become the staple educational literature in the kindergarten. It pays for the computers where they’re designed and the ink used to publish them!

Group tours do not generally go to the kindergarten, but if you are willing to provide a personal donation (or a group donation from a deaf or other charity in your country) then we are able to arrange it.